
Time Limit:1000ms Memory Limit:64000KiB
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BOI 2000 Day 2 Problem 1


Naum has returned to his village Elshani from abroad, where he has earned a lot of money. Everyday the people from Elshani go to work in one of the two neighboring villages Peshtani and Lagadin. There were a lot of paths in the mountain to their destinations. In order to help his neighbors and shorten their traveling Naum wants to build one bridge up to certain length Lmax.


Find where to build a bridge that satisfies the following criteria:
  • There will be a new path from Elshani to Peshtani shorter than the existing shortest path
  • There will be a new path from Elshani to Lagadin shorter than the existing shortest path
  • The sum of the lengths of the new shortest paths will be minimal.


  • 3<=N<=2000 is positive integer and is the number of points.
  • The points are denoted by 1,2,��,N, where 1 is the starting point (the village Elshani), 2 is one destination point (the village Peshtani) and 3 is the other destination point (the village Lagadin). Two points can be connected by only one path. The length of the path is shortest distance between the corresponding points. From each point there are at most 20 paths.
  • -32000<=xi , yi<=32000 are integers representing the XY coordinates of the i-th point.
  • M<=5000 is positive integer and is the number of paths between the points.
  • Lmax is a positive real number representing the maximum possible length of the bridge.
  • Rounding errors will not produce irregular answers in test data.
  • If there is a solution then it is unique.
  • Time limit: 15 sec.


In the first line of the input file there are two integer numbers N and M and one real number Lmax. In each of the next N lines there are two numbers xi and yi. In each of the next M lines there are two integer numbers representing the points connected by a path.


If there is a solution, the output consists of two integers K1 and K2 representing the points where the bridge should be built.
If no bridge can be built with the proposed criteria then write 0 0 in the first line, and write two real numbers d1 and d2 in the second line as reals with no decimal places. d1 is the shortest distance from point 1 to 2 and d2 is the shortest distance from point 1 to 3.

Sample Input

6 5 40
0 0
100 0
100 100
45 20
55 20
25 50
1 4
4 6
5 2
5 3
6 3

Sample Output

4 5



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