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BOI 99 Day 2 Problem 3

The Mobile

In figure 1 you can see a mobile in perfect balance. The mobile have five weights 1 kg, 2 kg ... 5 kg. The distance between two marks is 1 m. You can check the balance through this calculation

-3·3 + -1·5 + 2·(1+2+4)=0
-2·1 + -1·2 + 1·4=0

When you get a mobile problem you will get the structure of the mobile from a character string. The mobile in figure 1 is described in this way


You have to calculate such weights so the mobile is in perfect balance and give the answer as another character string. From figure 1 with the five weights the answer is


Input and Output

You will now write a program reading a description of a mobile from an input file, calculate the weights and writing the answer to an output file.

  • If there are n weights in the mobile you must use the weights from 1 kg to n kg exactly once
  • The mobile must be in perfect balance.
  • n £ 17
  • There will be no more than 7 attachments hanging from any of the bars. The mobile on fig.1 has 2 bars with 3 attachments hanging from each.
  • The input string will be given as a single line in the input file MOBILE.IN. All numbers are integers which values are between -50 and 50 (inclusive).
  • The output string must be given as a single line in the output file MOBILE.OUT, without spaces.
  • You can assume that for each given test data at least one solution exists. If more than one solution is possible, you must output one of them.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


Figure 1

Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2


Figure 2


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