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BOI 98 Day 1 Problem 1


Two diplomats, on a mission from their respective countries, are in the same city to engage in negotiations. They are staying in different hotels. They would like to arrange a rendezvous with the following conditions. They are supposed to leave their hotels exactly at the same time and arrive at some meeting point exactly at the same time. They walk at the same speed. So it is assured that both parties get an equal treatment: they walk the same distance and no one will be standing alone at the meeting point waiting for the other. The city map will be given to you: On the map streets are shown along with the distances between any two points connected by a street; points where the two hotels are located are marked. It is possible to reach from any point of interest to any other. Your task is to find a place in town which could be a meeting point and specify the two routes to this point. The point you find must enable the meeting to start at the earliest possible time (with respect to the departure time from their hotels). Also, no one must pass through the same point twice. Moreover, the two diplomats must follow disjoint routes (i.e. routes that do not have a point in common except the meeting point).You are assured that at least one such meeting point exists.


The points of interest on the map are numbered 1 through P consecutively (1 <= P <= 200). If points i and j are connected by a street, the distance between these points, Di,j will be an integer (1 <= Di,j<= 10). The first line of the input file contains three integers, each separated by a blank. The first integer, call it L, is the number of the lines that follow (L <=500). The second and third integers designate the locations of the hotels the two diplomats are staying. Each of the L lines has three numbers, each separated by blanks. These numbers are i, j and Di,j-in left to right order. These three numbers represent two points of interest, i and j, connected by a street such that their distance along this street is Di,j. Notice that the order of i and j is not important. Moreover, there will not be another line with the same i and j. The input will be a text file named meet.inp.


Your output must be a text file to be named meet.out. The output must consist of two lines each holding a route for a diplomat. The route for a diplomat is a sequence of integers, each separated by a blank, where each integer designates a point along the route. The first point must be the hotel and the last point must be the meeting point. The ordering of the two lines is not important.

Sample Input

22 1 8
1 13 2
1 2 1
2 6 4
2 3 1
3 4 1
3 5 1
4 5 1
4 6 2
5 7 2
6 7 3
5 14 2
7 8 3
7 14 2
13 14 4
13 12 3
12 14 4
12 11 2
11 14 3
11 10 2
10 8 1
10 9 2
9 8 2

Sample Output

1 2 3 5 14
8 7 14


Here is the picture of the sample input:

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