Secret Numbers

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Secret Numbers

Problem C

Secret Numbers


Two natural numbers a and b are chosen (1<a<b). Person M is told the multiple of a and b (a*b), and person S is told the sum of a and b (a+b). The discussion between M and S goes like this:
M: I do not know the numbers a and b.
S: I do not know them either, but I knew you would not know them.
M: Now I know the numbers!
S: Now I know them, too!


The input file contains pairs of natural numbers x and y (2<=x<y<=550), one pair per line. The input is guaranteed to be correct.


For each pair x, y, find all pairs of a and b, such that x<=a<b<=y and that the given discussion is possible. Write these pairs in a single line, and finish that line with "no more pairs." if there are a and b found in the given range, or write simply "no pairs." if there are not. Separate the numbers of a pair with a comma, terminate each pair with a semi-colon, and separate different pairs with a blank after the semi-colon, as shown in the example below.

Sample Input

2 10
2 20

Output for the Sample Input

no pairs.
4,13; no more pairs.

Problem Source: ACM/ICPC Regional Contest Southeastern European 2001. Problem C. Secret Numbers
Problem Archive: None

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